
Showing posts from December, 2012

How to Add Caption Below the Image in Blogger

He r e we are going to explain that How to Add a C a ptio n Below the Image in blogger . fallow the steps given below . Step 1 : Lo gin to your Blogger account and go to posts where you want to edit the image caption. Step 2 : Left Click on the Image , to add a caption b elo w the image , as show in image click o n the add caption button .       Step 3 : Select the add cap tion and edit the caption w hat ever you want see as shown in figure   You can change the Align also. I think this will be use ful to optimize your Image in search e ngines , this tutorial is helpful to you guys.  

Customize your Comment Style in Blogger

How to Customize your Comment Style in Blogger , This is Important to attract visitors and it help in colorful discussion with visitors . Edit and make it beautiful, Aut hor and comment body . here the step have to fallow to ed it and adding colors to the comment box. Comment - Author , Comment - B ody     

Colour Label Tabs Hover in CSS for Free

Here we are providing Colorful Name Tab Hover using HTM L an d CSS code , W here ever you want this Lab el T ab place or paste th e H TM L Code, and CSS code in Blogger CSS p anel .    Demo Fol low the HT ML and C SS code s below : HTML Code :  <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.1s" class="tomato"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.2s" class="peachpuff"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.3s" class="coral"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.4s"class="cornflowerblue"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.5s" class="peru"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.6s" class="snow"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.7s" class="chocolate"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.8s" class="papayawhip

How to Tack India Adsense Check in Bluedart

Here going give a tip for how to tack your google Adsense check in India - Bluedart, fallow the steps then you can tack your adsense check where it is. Login into your google adsense account and click on the finalized earnings Details>> Click on the Check Standard Delivery just below  view details in payment history>> link the you will find the details of your check and the payment number is your but you have to remove the  first ' 0 ' number, see the image red marked number should removed.  

Vertical Navigation Tab Menus For Blogger

Here we going to tell how to install Vertical Tab Menus in blogger there are around 25 styles install them in your blog and Customize to attract users .

How to install Facebook comments box in blogger

Here we going to explain how to install a Facebook Comment box in blogger, fallow the step to implement this comment box in blogger or custom template in blogger

How to Remove Navbar from Blogger 2012

How to Remove Navbar From Blogger 2012 and in 2011 we used to add CSS code to remove navbar from blogger. First lets see the old one means to remove navbar from blogger with help of CSS code in 2011.   CSS code to remove navbar from blogger Paste the CSS code in the CSS panel in blogger here is the CSS code - in 2011 #navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

Trick to Remove Showing Posts With Label Posts in Blogger

Here we going to explain how to remove " Showing posts with Label Post. Show all posts " in blogger. when you click on a label or a tag in blogger in top it shows that here a trick how to remove it,for example shown in figure below Fallow the steps give below to remove the " Showing posts with label posts. " Step 1 : Go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML > Proceed > Expand Widget Template [ Make a Backup ]