Colour Label Tabs Hover in CSS for Free
Here we are providing Colorful Name Tab Hover using HTM L an d CSS code , W here ever you want this Lab el T ab place or paste th e H TM L Code, and CSS code in Blogger CSS p anel . Demo Fol low the HT ML and C SS code s below : HTML Code : <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.1s" class="tomato"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.2s" class="peachpuff"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.3s" class="coral"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.4s"class="cornflowerblue"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.5s" class="peru"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.6s" class="snow"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.7s" class="chocolate"></li> <li style="-webkit-animation-delay:.8s" class="papayawhip...